Looking for Colorado Springs Neighborhoods?

We’ll Help you Find your Way!


If you learn Colorado Springs neighborhoods, then you can decide where you want to buy real estate. (If you already know where you want to buy, then you should jump to our Colorado Springs real estate page?)

As a real estate appraiser, I know one of the most important factors to consider is neighborhood in terms of overall value. As a real estate agent, I know that where you live largely determines your quality of life.

A neighborhood might be defined as a sub area in a city with some common characteristics, style of homes, a certain feel. We will define neighborhoods according to real estate classifications used here in Colorado Springs along with subdivisions we identify.

These Colorado Springs neighborhood pages will help you narrow down the type of neighborhood that you are looking for when you are looking for Colorado Springs real estate.

However, be aware that there are sub neighborhoods in every one of these general areas and that if you really want to figure out a specific area or find the area that best matches you, you need to talk to a real estate agent to find the perfect match.

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The real estate areas in Colorado Springs are:


Fairfax at Briargate

Meadow Ridge at Briargate



Black Forest

Stetson Ridge

Old Colorado City
Manitou Springs
Fountain Valley

Cross Creek at Mesa Ridge

Any of the areas that we have profiled have a link to that neighborhood. If have not yet profiled a neighborhood, contact us or search here for a home in that neighborhood.

I would love to help you identify great areas in Colorado Springs and love to help connect you with a realtor you can trust. I lived in Colorado Springs for 12 years and I am happy to help.

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