East Colorado Springs might be for you

Live in an Established Neighborhood Close to Everything

East Colorado Springs is another great neighborhood for families to settle in. The east portion of Colorado Springs per the MLS is quite affordable. Most of the homes are in the $200,000 range for homes that are around 2000 sq. ft. These homes often have 3-4 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths.

Why do I like the area so much?

I like the mature trees, the settled neighborhoods, the homes built in the late 60’s and 70’s. The district 11 schools are some of the best in the district.

One downside is that the homes mostly have 1 car garages. You typically gain 200 more square feet than for a home of similar age in Vista Grande Terrace or Garden Ranch (North East Colorado Springs) that costs roughly the same amount. In other words, a house that costs $200,000 in east Colorado Springs will have 200 sq. ft. more than a similar priced home in north east Colorado Springs, but will have only a one car garage.

The area is bound by Powers Blvd. on the east, Platte Avenue on the south, Circle Blvd. on the west and cuts through Palmer Park on the north. Here is a map of the area.

map of east Colorado Springs

My favorite neighborhood in East Colorado Springs is Village 7. This neighborhood is an established neighborhood that is full of rolling hills. It is in the north east portion of the east Colorado Springs area. Here is the Google map of the area.

Now to the pictures.

Here is a typical house in Village Seven.

east Colorado Springs house

This is a typical bi-level home in east Colorado Springs. Sidewalk in east Colorado Springs.Note the mature tree in the front yard. This house was probably built in the early 1970’s. It is unusual for Village Seven because it has a 2 car garage.

Note the sidewalk in front of the house. Here is a closer view. Sometimes the sidewalks are a little more worn and cracked than in some neighborhoods. However, they are totally functional and I believe the good offsets the bad. But the neighborhood has a little bit of a “worn” look. It is not bad, just “well used.”

Oro Blanco runs right through Village 7.

Oro Blanco in Colorado Springs

This picture was taken after the blizzards in Colorado Springs in late 2006.

One of the schools in the area is George Washington Carver elementary school.

Carver Elementary School, Colorado Springs

This is a district 11 school. Here is what the Carver principal says:


The Carver staff believes education is a shared responsibility among students, parents, our school, and the community. We work together to provide a program that emphasizes academic achievement in a nurturing environment.

Carver is a place where staff, parents and students feel appreciated and welcomed and work cooperatively in the best interests of Carver children.

It is our mission at Carver to create students who have the skills needed to succeed in any setting, and the tools to become responsible life long learners.

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