The Manitou Incline in Colorado Springs is a fantastic workout

The Challenges of the Manitou Incline

If you enjoy a challenge in the outdoors, then you’ll enjoy the Manitou Incline.

A former cog-railway route up Mt. Manitou, this trail will challenge even the most in shape hiker. Yet 60,000 people a year climb the route.

The Incline rises 2011 feet over 1.02 miles. The grade is a sustained 41%. At its steepest, the grade on the Manitou Incline is 68%.

Parking is also a real issue. You would do better to park somewhere on Ruxton Avenue and hike up to the same trail head as Barr Trail. You may need to pay up to $5 to park.

The hike is tough with a false summit about 2/3 of the way up. When you get to the top, just look to the left and you’ll see a well worn trail that leads down to the Barr Trail.

There are other options for steep trails in the Colorado Springs area including Eagle Peak.

View Barr Trail trail head and Manitou Incline in a larger map.