North East Colorado Springs…Great Established Neighborhoods!

A Great Place for Anyone!

(Updated March 2010.)


I am prejudiced. I love the North East and the East areas of Colorado Springs!

My family and I live in North East Colorado Springs. This area contains some of my favorite neighborhoods in Colorado Springs. (They are….drum roll please….Vista Grande Terrace, Garden Ranch, Village Seven, and Brookwood).

The area is diverse in home prices and age ranges. There areas like University Park that is a more recent new home development with newer homes in the 500k range and homes built in the 60’s in the 150k range.

The area is bounded by Woodmen Road on the north and Powers Blvd. on the east. On the south, the area cuts 1/2 through Palmer Park. The area is closely related to the East section of Colorado Springs. Some of the neighborhoods bridge the North East and East MLS sections of Colorado Springs.

Map of north east colorado springs

Here are the vital stats. These are based on the past couple of months of 2006.

  • House values were between $75,000 and $599,00
  • Home ages for those sales were from 1930 to 2009
  • The average year the home was built is 1984
  • The average home sales price in North East Colorado Springs was $222,000

There are really several distinct sections of the North East Colorado Springs area.

First is the area of north east Colorado Springs that is really Briargate. This is located in the northern and eastern part of the area. These are some of the earliest Briargate homes. The are in School District 20. Here is a representative home from the area.

Home in Colorado Springs

This house sold for $225,000. It is a 4 bedroom, 3.25 bath home. It has 2251 finished square feet including the basement. If you are interested in one of these homes, visit our real estate area.

home in North East Colorado SpringsAnother area is Vista Grande Terrace and Garden Ranch (they are similar areas so I am grouping them together). These are some of my favorite neighborhoods. Vista Grande Terrace is one of the neighborhoods that overlaps into the East section of Colorado Springs. Vista Grand Terrace is a part of the D-11 School District.

These homes typically sell for between $165,000 and $250,000 and are in the 1600 sq. ft. to 2800 sq. ft. range. The homes were built in the 1970’s. There are mature trees in these neighborhoods. Most of the neighborhoods have one or more parks.

Finally, there is University Park. University Park is a new development in the past 5 years. It is located at Union and Academy (approx.) and has home in the 500k range. As noted on the new homes section of this website, the advantages of a new home are lots of open space, designed trails, and of course stellar quality on these homes.

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